logo: a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.
high school band logo redesign
I was asked to redesign the Calera High School Band logo based on its new name, Soaring Sound of Dixie. I wanted to give it a collegiate, modern feel and visually represent the forward motion of soaring. In addition, the angle of the letters leans forward 12 degrees, the same number of notes in the chromatic scale.
design business logo
I designed this logo for my design business, Grey Cat Design. I currently sell hand lettered prints of inspiring quotes from Scripture.
employer roadmap website logo
The first version of the Employer Roadmap website that iostudio built was not given any kind of branding or identity. So when we were asked to build a second version of the website, we felt like it deserved its own logo. We came up with a logo that the client loved, but they eventually decided it looked too much like another website they owned. We redesigned it again with their suggestion of a compass and were able to come up with a design that was unique and that everyone loved.